Enrichment Daycare

Our daycare creates a stimulated learning environment, promotes healthy socialization and interactive play. We pair our groups by size and personality, so the dogs get to make lasting best friends while staying fit, happy and healthy! 

We take enrichment to the next level by incorporating it into every aspect of our services – grooming, daycare, and boarding. Your dog experiences interactive play, engaging exercises, and soothing activities that not only entertain but also boost their mental and physical well-being.

Our carefully designed enrichment activities reduce stress, prevent boredom, and encourage natural behaviors, making each visit an adventure for your furry friend. Discover the joy of seeing your pet thrive with our holistic approach to their health and happiness. Join us and see the difference that enriched care can make!

Good news! Your dog will get the first day free after passing our meet and greet



Relieves Boredom/ Separation Anxiety

One of the primary reason that dogs can develop destructive behaviors is boredom or separation anxiety. If a dog is left by himself for several hours a day during the work week, he may become exceedingly bored or overly anxious, either way, this can manifest into a wide variety of destructive behaviors such as chewing, excessive barking or howling, and even accidents. A great daycare situation will offer healthy stimulation preventing these behaviors.

Provides Routine

Dogs are creatures of habit and very much like routine. Sending your dog to daycare will help maintain a daily routine of walks and playtime. Here at The Posh Pooch, our daycare provides a regular routine for your dog that always includes a playtime. We also provide "Report Cards" for our dogs so you can monitor their progress, know about their day, see what friends they are making, behaviors the excel in and what they may need to work on, and help give you peace of mind to ensure your dogs are happy and healthy!


One of the major benefits of sending your dog to daycare is that he or she will get exercise daily which is so important for your dog’s overall health.

Owner peace of mind

For you, the dog owner, you will enjoy peace of mind knowing that your dog is being well-cared for while you are at work eliminating the guilt you may have felt while he was home alone for so many hours at a time. We also offer live streaming services so you can log onto your Client Portal and watch your dog throughout the day!


Having your dog around other dogs as well as other humans is a great means of providing socialization for him. This can be a great tool in training a dog to remain calm in a variety of situations.


Sending your dog to daycare will provide him with the loving attention and affection that dogs need on a regular basis. At The Posh Pooch, our staff members are chosen because they love working with animals. We’re pet owners as well and we understand a dog’s need for constant, loving attention which is why someone from our staff will be with your dog from the time they arrive until you pick them up.


Sending your dog to daycare is often a much safer option, especially if your dog is one who tries to escape his yard or crate. Safety is our number one priority for each of our guests. All of our daycare dogs are monitored very closely.


If you feel that doggie daycare would be a little too much for you or your dog every day, consider bringing your dog once or twice a week. We also offer a drop-in daycare option for those pet owners who may need daycare at the last minute.

A tired dog is a happy dog

A dog who has been active and well-cared for throughout the day will naturally get tired. When a dog is tired, he tends to be more content which in turn, makes you, the owner happy as well.

Let your dog find his or her bestie!

Everyone Needs a Best Friend!

The Posh Pooch

Daycare Packages

Single Day | $42

Additional Dog | $39

Half Day | $32

Additonal Dog | $29

Meet and Greet | $32

10 Day | Single Dog | $400

Additional Dog | $380

10 Half Day | Single Dog | $290

Additional Dog | $275

20 Day | Single Dog | $790

Additional Dog | $770

20 Half Day | Single Dog | $550

Additional Dog | $535
If you’d like more information about doggie daycare at The Posh Pooch, give us a call! We’d love to have you drop by and check out our facilities or take a tour. We look forward to serving you and your pet in our daycare facility.

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